My name is Carmel. I am a mum of two, and run my own tiny business, Show Me Science. I am born and bred in Kinsale, a beautiful tourist town on the Wild Atlantic Way.
What sparked your interest in sustainable living and where did you start?
There was no definitive tipping point for me, more a case of an increasing awareness-some books I had read, and a growing cultural shift acknowledging our need to change, to adapt. The lockdowns have given me the gift of more time to focus on these things.
What is a sustainable change you have made that makes you really happy?
For me, its walking through certain aisles in a supermarket without needing to pick anything up! Wet wipes, cotton pads, sanitary towels are all replaced with not just more sustainable products, but also products that perform at least as well as their alternative, and at a good price point.
I have reduced the amount of stuff going into my general waste bin, and would some day, a long time from now, like to get near to zero waste. As compostable packaging becomes more mainstream, the future looks bright.
Are you tackling any sustainable changes at the moment you’d like to share or are planning to?
I am always doing little changes, and record them all on my Instagram and Facebook page @IrishMammyGoesGreen. My sustainability journey is only beginning.
I am currently in communication with Kinsale County Council to see about getting brown bins in use at their bring site.
What would you like to see in a sustainable future?
Zero single use plastic, all replaced with suitable alternatives. More financial support for Irish farmers to manage their land in the most sustainable fashion. More protected marine areas. A significant reduction in the use of pesticides, and an outright ban on others. Mandatory Home Economics subject through to the Leaving Cert with an increased focus on cooking from scratch, and meat free meals. Grants for secondhand electric cars!
If one of your friends told you they wanted to start living more sustainably, what would be your top tip to get started?
Introducing one more meat free meal each week is a great place to start. I’d also highly recommend to volunteer as An Taisce Climate Ambassador, to get a broader insight into the challenges of climate change, and the solutions.
What keeps you motivated?
My kids, my love of learning and coffee.
And For a bit of fun and… really find out about you…What was your first concert or your first CD/Tape/Record you owned?
I got a cassette tape of the Backstreet boys a loooonnnnng time ago. I’d still sing along to their hits!
Carmel’s faves sustainable shops and cafes
Leafling Refill Shop, Ballinspittle
Frank and Honest
Café Paradiso, Cork
The Natural Foods Bakery, Blackrock
Thank you Carmel! Connect with Carmel on her IG platform at Irish Mammy Goes Green